• Awardit: Awardit - Company presentation with CEO Erik Grohman (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 10:09
  • B3 Consulting Group: B3 Consulting Group - Company presentation with CEO Martin Stenström (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 10:08
  • Nordic Waterproofing Holding: Nordic Waterproofing - Company presentation with CFO Per-Olof Schrewelius (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 10:06
  • ADDvise Group: Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 10:03
  • Addnode Group: Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 10:03
  • Sdiptech: Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 10:02
  • Lifco: Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 10:02
  • Lagercrantz Group: Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 10:02
  • Vitec Software Group: Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 10:00
  • Prostatype Genomics: REINITIERINGSANALYS Prostatype Genomics: Blickarna riktade mot pågående USA-lansering (Analysguiden)
    2024-05-27 10:00
  • Scandinavian ChemoTech: Scandinavian ChemoTech: Another order warrants a slight positive valuation change (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 09:41
  • Harvia: published last fall, which is still relatively up-to-date. (Inderes)
    2024-05-27 09:39
  • edyoutec: Första intrycket edyoutec, kv1 2024: Lägre omsättning och kostnader än förväntad (Carlsquare)
    2024-05-27 09:14
  • BTS Group: BTS Group - Company presentation with President & CEO Jessica Skon (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 09:10
  • Scandion Oncology: Scandion Oncology: Ask questions to Redeye's analyst (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 09:07
  • Clavister Holding: Clavister - Company presentation with President & CEO John Vestberg (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 09:07
  • Scandinavian Enviro Systems: Additional information regarding the JV ownership (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 09:06
  • StrongPoint: StrongPoint - Company presentation with CEO Jacob Tveraabak (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 09:04
  • Alcadon Group: Alcadon - Company presentation with CEO Sonny Mirborn (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 09:00
  • Curasight: Curasight Q1: Moving forward (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 08:57
  • Tura Group: ANALYS Tura Group: Återhämtning att vänta under andra halvåret (Analysguiden)
    2024-05-27 08:30
  • B3 Consulting Group: B3 Consulting Group - Acquires Webstep's Swedish operations (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-27 08:15
  • Abliva: Abliva: Blickarna mot interimanalysen (Penser Access)
    2024-05-27 08:00
  • Embracer Group: Embracer: Stable outlook for 2024/25E (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 07:51
  • Solwers: Solwers Q1'24 preview: The first business review (Inderes)
    2024-05-27 07:40
  • Inderes: Inderes: Progress in Sweden is the key catalyst - SEB (SEB Research)
    2024-05-27 07:26
  • Ortoma: Ortoma: Intervju med vd Linus Byström (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 07:15
  • Paxman: Paxman: Interview with CEO Richard Paxman (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 07:15
  • Serial acquirers Q1 2024: The return of animal spirits (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 07:00
  • Scandion Oncology: Scandion Oncology Q1 2024: Funding for CORIST part 3 extension (Redeye)
    2024-05-27 06:00
  • Calliditas Therapeutics: Calliditas Therapeutics: Here is what the investors are asking (Redeye)
    2024-05-25 11:00
  • Better Collective: Better Collective: Here is what the investors are asking (Redeye)
    2024-05-25 11:00
  • Gabriel Holding: Gabriel Holding (One-pager): Guidance upgrade in connection with H1 2023/24 as momentum improves (HC Andersen Capital via Inderes)
    2024-05-24 17:24
  • Green Landscaping Group: Green Landscaping Group - Company presentation with Head of IR Magnus Larsson (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-24 16:47
  • I-tech: I-tech - Company presentation with Acting CEO & CFO Magnus Henell (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-24 16:45
  • Vestum: Vestum - Company presentation with CEO Simon Göthberg (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-24 16:04
  • Zoomability: Analyst Group intervjuar Zoomabilitys VD Pehr-Johan Fager (Analyst Group)
    2024-05-24 16:03
  • Stendörren Fastigheter: Stendörren Fastigheter - Company presentation with CEO Erik Ranje (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-24 15:57
  • Rottneros: Rottneros - Company presentation with President & CEO Lennart Eberleh (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-24 15:55
  • OssDsign: OssDsign - Company presentation with CEO Morten Henneveld (ABG Sundal Collier)
    2024-05-24 15:52